Project Overview

Phase 1
The heart of Parque das Conchas (BC-10) is the floating, production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO) Espírito Santo, which has a processing capacity of 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d). Built in Singapore, the FPSO was delivered to Brazil in late 2008 and moored in around 1,800 metres of water at the Parque das Conchas (BC-10) site in the Campos Basin.The first phase of the project included the development of three fields connected to the FPSO via subsea wells and manifolds. The double-hulled design of the FPSO required significant power and heat delivery systems to drive the seabed lift equipment and process the heavy crudes. The development wells were drilled by Global Santa Fe’s Arctic 1 drilling rig. The fields came on stream in July 2009. This first phase involved nine producing wells and one gas injector well. By July 2013, the project had produced more than 70 million boe.


Phase 2
Phase 2 of the project, to tie-in the Argonauta O-North field, came on stream in October 2013. It has an estimated peak production of 35,000 boe/d.


Phase 3
Phase 3 came on stream in March 2016. It comprises of five producing wells in two fields (Massaand O-South), and two water injection wells in Massa. The fields are tied back to the FPSO. Daily production of the Phase 3 wells is expected to add up to 20,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day at peak annual production.

Work Scope

Brunel was awarded the contract to provide project teams for two major oil suppliers during the engineering, construction and commission phases of the project.

Services Provided by Brunel

■ Project resourcing & global mobility
■ Pre-assignment medical checks
■ Permits to work
■ Background & reference checks
■ D&A Tests
■ On-boarding & off-boarding
■ Immigration & logistics
■ Travel and medical insurances incl. 24/7 medical evacuation & repatriation
■ WMC and AD&D insurances
■ Risk management tools (intelligence, briefing, tracking, reporting)
■ Emergency response processes
■ In-country support & local compliancy
■ Finance & KPI reporting
■ Risk analysis & mitigation
■ Cost efficiency intelligence / market benchmark
■ Benchmark data of (international) assignment locations

Brunel Project Team

Brunel provided a project team of >100 technical specialists and another 60 technical specialists covering:


■ Project Management
■ Project Engineering
■ Project Services
■ Construction Supervision & Inspection
■ Commissioning

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