Construction contractors are great managers who enjoy guiding construction projects to completion and actively engaging with customers. They are passionate about building and juggling many tasks at a time and can oversee the design and building of a range of structures. Alongside the engineers who design structures, construction contractors are essential to ensuring that infrastructure around the world gets built on time, meets customers’ demands, and is done safely.


Construction contractor responsibilities span project management, team management and construction. They oversee every part of a building construction project, from start to finish. Construction contractors must plan all the important development and implementation details and plan out construction equipment and materials to be used.


They are also responsible for various construction management processes, including the procurement of supplies and equipment, coordination of subcontractors to carry out specialized tasks like electricity or heating and ventilation. In addition, they must ensure funds are available to keep the project moving and prepare regular progress reports. The contractor must also manage the teams in terms of size and technical expertise, as well as payroll for their own employees and subcontractor payments.


Construction contractors must be quick thinkers, able to anticipate and plan for possible changes and having a risk management strategy in place to deal with it. They must also ensure that the plans, workers and local laws or codes all adhere to the scope of the building project. At the end of the building project, construction contractors are responsible for reviewing it all and making sure everything is correct. Construction contractors often work closely with construction engineers, civil engineers, and other specialists, to guide the building work as specified.


Construction contractor jobs are frequently available in the construction industry where building on any scale happens. They can help build homes, offices, bridges, skyscrapers, and other large buildings like tunnels, power plants, dams, and beyond. There is never a dull moment on a construction site, making this career of contracting perfect for those who like to juggle many challenges and deadlines.

Apply now for a job as a construction contractor!

Construction Manager (m/w/d)

Location: Mannheim

Branche: Machine & Plant Design

Expertise: Production & Manufacturing

Experience: 2 years

Sie übernehmen die Führung eines multidisziplinären Teams und stellen sicher, dass alle Aufgaben gemäß den Projektzielen umgesetzt werden. Sie sind verantwortlich für die Koordination und Kontrolle der beteiligten Subunternehmen, um die reibungslose Umsetzung der Bauarbeiten zu gewährleisten. Sie sorgen dafür, dass alle Arbeitsschritte gemäß den geltenden Sicherheitsvorschriften durchgeführt werden, um Unfälle und Verzögerungen zu vermeiden. Sie überwachen den Fortschritt des Projekts und achten darauf, dass die geforderten Qualitätsstandards eingehalten werden und das Projekt termingerecht abgeschlossen wird. Sie koordinieren und überwachen die Einhaltung der Montageverträge und sorgen für eine reibungslose vertragliche Abwicklung. Sie bereiten Ausschreibungen für Bauleistungen vor und steuern die Auswahl geeigneter Anbieter für das Projekt. Sie dokumentieren den Projektfortschritt in regelmäßigen Berichten und informieren das Management über den aktuellen Stand und mögliche Risiken.

Senior Construction Manager (m/w/d)

Location: Karlsruhe

Branche: Conventional Energy

Expertise: Research & Development

Experience: 5 years

Steuerung und Überwachung von Bauprojekten im Bereich Straßenbau, Kanalbau und sonstiger Infrastrukturmaßnahmen Erstellung von Projektplänen, Zeitplänen und Budgetvorgaben Vorbereitung und Einreichung von Genehmigungsunterlagen bei Behörden. Kommunikation und Verhandlungen mit Behörden und öffentlichen Einrichtungen zur Sicherstellung aller erforderlichen Genehmigungen Einhaltung rechtlicher Vorgaben und baurechtlicher Bestimmungen Auswahl, Beauftragung und Steuerung von externen Dienstleistern und Subunternehmen Überwachung der Leistungen hinsichtlich Qualität, Terminen und Kosten Sicherstellung der Einhaltung von Arbeitssicherheits- und Umweltstandards Regelmäßige Kontrolle des Projektfortschritts und Erstellung von Statusberichten für interne und externe Stakeholder Identifikation und Management von Risiken sowie Erarbeitung von Lösungsvorschlägen bei Problemen Schnittsellenmanagement Enge Zusammenarbeit mit internen Fachabteilungen wie Planung, Einkauf und Qualitätsmanagement Abstimmung mit Architekten, Ingenieuren und Bauleitern

Construction Manager Verfahrenstechnik (w/m/d)

Location: Wuppertal

Branche: Life Sciences

Expertise: Production & Manufacturing

Experience: 1 years

Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehört die Sicherstellung, dass alle Apparate und Maschinen im Anlagenbereich sicher, gesetzes- und vorschriftenkonform sowie kostenoptimal betriebsfähig der chemischen Produktion bereitgestellt werden können Darüber hinaus erarbeiten Sie nachhaltige Reparaturkonzepte, inklusive Kosten- und Terminplanungen Auch die Durchführung von Schadensanalysen und die Entwicklung von Konzepten zur Optimierung der Anlagenverfügbarkeit fällt in Ihren Aufgabenbereich. Sie werden nach Einarbeitung größere sowie komplexere Neubau- und Instandhaltungs-Projekte im Anlagenbereich koordinieren

Construction Lead (Facilities)

Location: Brisbane

Branche: Conventional Energy

Expertise: Validation

Experience: 5 years

Key Responsibilities: Coordinate all construction readiness activities for the Well Pad, Gathering, and Facilities scope of the APF Tie-in Project. Act as the primary construction focal point, engaging with engineering and managing construction contractors. Assist in defining and developing Early Works, Plant Shutdown, and Main SMPE&I Construction Scope Packages, including tender packages. Be accountable for the execution of early works, plant shutdown, and main SMPE&I construction contracts, from pre-fabrication through to site installation. Foster a strong safety culture by modeling health and safety behaviors and ensuring all work aligns with company HSE policies and standards. Ensure compliance with project specifications, industry standards, and quality controls. Interface with engineering contractors, packaged equipment vendors, and construction contractors to ensure timely delivery of scope. Regular site and contractor office visits to support project delivery. Additional Responsibilities: Support contracting/procurement activities and manage contractor/vendor performance and quality. Ensure functional deliverables are peer-reviewed ahead of project decisions. Identify and resolve communication gaps or misalignment among project stakeholders. Proactively identify opportunities for risk management and opportunity realization.

IM-KM Contractor

Location: Bangalore

Branche: Conventional Energy

Expertise: Research & Development

Experience: 2 years

Position: IM-KM Contractor (Information Management and Knowledge Management)Contract: 6 months + 6 months; to be reviewed periodicallyClose collaboration with and support to IM-KM Advisor – Strategy ExcellenceDeclassification of MC and Confidential documents, with initial focus on IGU & DSRLabelling of documents and support NRD process, with initial focus on IGU & DSRMigration of declassified (& other relevant) documents to archival folders on SCoP HubMigration of documents from old to new SharePointAs advised by IM-KM Advisor, support MC SharePoint creation and closure.

Common construction contractor responsibilities

A construction contractor is responsible for performing a range of construction management tasks. Responsibilities may include:


  • Managing and guiding construction project planning and design;
  • Managing the building durable structures according to specifications and plans;
  • Planning and procuring appropriate materials for construction based on specifications;
  • Identifying and resolving any issues arising during building;
  • Managing an effective construction schedule with timing and milestones;
  • Preparing progress reports and appraisal reports;
  • Collaborating with customers, engineers, specialists, and construction workers to build the desired structures;
  • Hiring subcontractors to carry out specific tasks, such as electricity or plumbing installation;
  • Tracking progress and reporting on same;
  • Delivering results in line with agreed construction project timelines and budgets;
  • Delivering construction outputs in compliance with relevant requirements, codes, and certifications, and in line with customer needs and demands;
  • Assuring the safety and security of team members;
  • Engaging regularly with the customers;
  • Traveling to construction sites to observe and manage construction.

Qualifications for construction contractors

Construction contractors should have at least a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering or a similar engineering discipline. In some countries, a construction contractor license may also be required.


Additional supporting skills and experience include:


  • 2-5+ years of construction contracting experience;
  • Some experience in areas like carpentry, tiling, plumbing, electricity is needed;
  • Solid understanding of construction materials and methods;
  • Excellent analytical skills;
  • Proven experience in project and team management;
  • Experience with diverse computer software;
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills to be able to work easily with customers, engineers, technicians, and other team members.

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