What are the responsibilities of a Connectivity Specialist and what are the requirements to work in the field of future mobility? Find out here.



  • Collaborate on development for regional adaptation of modern “connected car” backend applications
  • Collaborate with the Connectivity global team to identify regional adaptation need for specific market (compliance, service, contents, providers)
  • Define and release specifications for wireless data communications and connectivity technologies and infrastructure
  • Support on preparation of all technical documentation for supplier tender, selection and nomination
  • Prepare and execute development for worldwide emergency Call (eCall)
  • Prepare and execute development of vehicle specific telematic services such as data streaming and OTA (Over the Air) service update with focus on regional specific requirement
  • Support preparation of test plan and use cases to validate service and functionalities offered in different market, with focus on regional specific characteristics
  • Support cloud service strategies for Premium/Luxury segment vehicles
  • Verification of backend related architectures and necessary measures for implementation
  • Support execution development through a full homologation process
  • Support and review telematics topics such as modem management, remote services, SDK and diagnostic
  • Create project status report, and escalate blocking point line manager and project manager
  • Support Benchmark analysis and present conclusion to leadership
  • Ensure that launch quality is robust over lifetime and fulfill customer expectations
Designing of connected car


  • At least 5 years of working experience in connectivity and telematics development or comparable function
  • Deep technical understanding and the applying of the newest technologies like V2X, Cellular, WiFi & GNSS
  • Technical background with cloud and iOT technologies
  • Experience on Cyber Security process, Threat analysis & Risk assessment on connectivity services
  • Enthusiasm and passion to drive and develop cars
  • Open minded, solution driven, highly motivated engineer
  • Excellent communicator with an open and structured mindset
  • Fluent in English
  • High level of engagement to solve any issues and drive issue resolution
  • Positive attitude, resolute and highly skilled to drive for results
  • Flexible regarding travels to UK Innovation Centre, Sweden, China and other countries if needed
  • High integrity and trust in all activities and communication

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