Building an effective industrial engineering team is essential for any manufacturing or industrial services company looking to make an impact on the market. Teams, with an appropriate mix of talent and leadership, can operate efficiently over time, propelling companies to unparalleled achievements. However, sourcing the right candidates can be challenging. Below are five recruitment tips from top talent specialists that can help you attract high-value industrial engineers and exceed your business goals.

Understand your needs

Before you begin recruiting, it's vital to have a clear understanding of your team's current capabilities and what skills are needed to complement them. A thorough job analysis will help you identify the specific qualifications, experience, and competencies required for the role. This clarity ensures that you target the right candidates and provides a solid foundation for your talent sourcing strategy.


Some general attributes to look out for when trying to scope out a successful industrial engineer are:


  • A well-established career history.
  • An up-to-date record of completed trainings, certificates, and specializations.
  • Great references from direct reports or past leadership. 

Develop a talent sourcing strategy 

Talent sourcing should be proactive, not just reactive. Develop a long-term strategy that builds a talent pool even when you're not actively hiring. This could involve internship programs, collaborations with educational institutions, and nurturing relationships with past applicants. By having a ready pool of vetted candidates, that you already know might be a good addition to your team, you're prepared to fill roles quickly as they arise.


Don't know where to start?

Let Brunel source your talent for you. With over 45 years of experience and localized support in the United States, our recruitment team is ready to help you exceed your goals.

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Leverage specialized recruiters

Indulge us. Partnering with a recruitment agency is a game-changer. It could save you a good amount of time and money in the end. The best agencies won’t only help you scout engineers, but can also serve as manufacturing executive recruiters to place the best candidates in top leadership seats. Professional recruiters have a deep understanding of various industries and can connect you with candidates who may not be actively looking for new opportunities but are open to the right offer. They have specialized training in attracting talent that might otherwise seem to be out of reach. They can also advise on competitive compensation packages and industry trends, giving you an edge against competitors.


AND they can help you with all the other tips listed in this article. 

Utilize referrals

Reaching out to those in your network to ask for candidate references is an excellent way to begin building your industrial engineering team. Current employees, clients, suppliers, or anyone with whom you have a strong business relationship might be able to point you in the direction of strong talent. By tapping into existing networks and recommendations, companies can access a pool of quality candidates with proven expertise in the industrial engineering domain. Building a strong network takes time. If you're looking to tap into a network of vetted candidates quickly, employing the help of a recruitment agency might be your best bet. 

Team of industrial engineers work around a table

Optimize job postings

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In the digital age, a compelling job posting can make a significant difference. Ensure that your postings are clear, concise, and highlight the unique benefits of working for your company. Utilize SEO best practices by including relevant keywords such as "industrial engineer" to increase visibility. Additionally, share your postings on platforms frequented by engineers, such as LinkedIn or other industry-specific job boards. A proper job post can be the difference between attracting quality candidates and ones that just miss the mark. 


Connect with Brunel

If you'd like help with scaling your business and attracting top talent, connect with our team in the US.

Building a strong industrial engineering team is no small feat, but with the right approach, it's entirely achievable. By understanding your needs, leveraging specialized recruiters, networking effectively, optimizing job postings, and developing a talent sourcing strategy, you can attract the best in the business. The investment in a solid recruitment process will pay off in the form of a skilled, innovative, and cohesive team driving your company's success forward.

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