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WHM Video Interviews 2023




At 2023's PDAC Conference, our very own Nathalia Starck and Angelina Brathwaite sat with prominent female figures in the mining industry. This interview series brings forward insightful conversations on the progress, opportunities, and diversity of the sector. Through these conversations, we aim to shed light on the experiences and perspectives of women who have made a mark in the traditionally male-dominated industry. The interviews delve into various topics, including equity in mining, the barriers faced by women in the field, what women can do to progress and thrive in their careers, and how the industry can attract more women to the workforce. Our goal is to provide a platform for these inspiring women to share their stories and insights, while also promoting diversity, inclusion, and belonging in the mining sector.


Lizette Vargas | Gerente de Recursos Humanos, Minería Media Luna S.A. de C.V.

In this insightful conversation, we have the privilege of speaking with Lizette Vargas, Human Resources Manager for Minería Luna S.A. de C.V. Lizette detailed her trajectory in the mining industry, applauded her amazing mentors, and discussed how the mining industry has evolved to welcome female talent. Check out the full video, in Spanish below.

Interview with Lizette Vargas (in Spanish)

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