Men and women in a diverse office building having a serious meeting

3 Tips to Improve Your Candidate Experience and Secure Talent


life sciences


Stefanie Campos, one of Brunel’s top performing recruiters in BioTech and Life Sciences, joined us to discuss the importance of the candidate experience during the recruitment process. Check out Stefanie’s 3 tips for how companies and hiring managers can be proactive about turning their candidate experience into a competitive advantage.

Tip 1: Build Candidate Experience to Reflect Company Culture

It is crucial that external recruiters, internal hiring managers, and anyone else involved in the recruitment process be fully aligned with the company culture in order to better focus search efforts.

According to the 2022 Hiring Insight Reports from Goodtime90% of companies say they design their process to reflect their company culture but only 53% successfully communicate that culture to candidates through the recruitment process. Creating an interview process that reflects your mission, vision and values - including your commitment to DEI - at all touchpoints is a powerful way to build a genuine connection with candidates and signal to them whether they'll be a good fit for your role.


Here are a few areas your company can emphasize about your culture to stand out and attract top talent:

1. Work-Life Balance

2. Career Advancement Opportunities

3. Strong Leadership

4. Sense of Purpose

5. Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging

The more information I have about a client's culture and what they're looking for the better. Knowing about the culture and the team dynamics and what personalities are in the group is extremely beneficial for finding the best fit.

Business woman in black suit with purple blouse

Quote 1

Stefanie Campos | Business Development Manager - Life Sciences


“For example, I had one client telling me they wanted someone who was more of a laid back and go-with-the-flow personality because the organization was still young, and they needed people who could be comfortable with having things change quickly and be able to adapt to those changes with ease. Then another client was looking for someone to do the same type of job, but on a more established team and at a much larger company; so, they wanted someone who could hold their own among several other strong personalities and would be more outgoing and ‘add to the vibrant culture’ they already had on the team.” – Stefanie Campos

Black woman and white man discussing documents in an office

Aligning your entire recruitment process with your company culture will help you find better fitting candidates.

Tip #2: Optimize Scheduling Process for Speed and Flexibility

Scheduling interviews is often the trickiest part of the hiring process. With so many moving parts and changing schedules on your hiring team it can be complicated to find the right time to schedule an interview. However, scheduling the interview in a timely fashion is essential to keep candidates engaged and feeling positive about their experience. Employ Inc.’s 2022 Job Seeker Nation Report found that an easy interview scheduling process was the top factor that makes a candidate experience positive.


Employers should automate as much of the interview scheduling process as possible in order to create a more streamlined experience for candidates and a more flexible schedule for their hiring team/recruiters. Scheduling an interview quickly and easily can be the difference between getting the candidate you want or seeing them take a role elsewhere.

I’ve had a great candidate accept another offer while waiting on a client to schedule an interview. It ended up working out in the end, but it could’ve been a much smoother, cheaper process if the client had just communicated earlier.[No text in field]

Business woman in black suit with purple blouse

Quote 2

Stefanie Campos | Business Development Manager - Life Sciences


“The candidate had already had their HR and hiring manager screen and we were just waiting on the schedule for their final round. During this time there were some internal changes with the client that slowed the hiring process down a bit, but that wasn’t communicated to our side. So we’re trying to follow up and get the final booked and letting them know the candidate was in the final stages elsewhere, then we’re telling them the candidate has another offer, and still nothing back. So the candidate accepted an offer from the other company and our client had to increase their offer to win the candidate back. The client could have avoided a lot of drama if they had been more transparent and communicated effectively.” – Stefanie Campos

Woman being interviewed by man who is slightly off screen

Automate as much of the interview scheduling process as possible so you can focus on conducting good interviews.

Tip #3: Communicate Transparently with Candidates

Offering prompt feedback is one of the most important aspects of the candidate experience, and it can be make or break for your recruitment strategy. According to a recent report from Criteria53% of candidates have abandoned a recruitment process because of poor communication from the employer/recruiter. 


If there are issues causing delays in deliberations or scheduling of next steps, candidates generally appreciate being made aware of those issues so that they can adjust their expectations appropriately. In fact, CareerBuilder found that 81% of job hunters say that employers communicating "continuous status updates" would greatly improve their overall candidate experience. With the recruiting landscape being extremely competitive, good communication can help your company to maintain positive relationships with candidates and work as a competitive advantage for you in talent acquisition, saving you time and money.


Offering candidates the option to communicate with your team via text message may be a good way to offer updates. 56% of candidates who have received a text from a recruiter to schedule an interview preferred texting to email/phone call.

: It can definitely reflect poorly on myself and on the client when there’s a long delay with feedback or otherwise getting the next steps agreed to and scheduled. I’m the middlewoman in the process, so I’m trying my best to get both sides what they need.

Business woman in black suit with purple blouse

Quote 3

Stefanie Campos | Business Development Manager - Life Sciences[No text in field]


“I can follow up with the client all day long and pressure them about feedback and try to keep the candidate engaged by reassuring them that I'm following up and hoping to hear back soon. But I can only keep that up for so long, especially if the candidate is nearing the offer stage elsewhere. As long as there’s communication about why it’s taking a while – whether it be internal changes, someone who’s meant to be interviewing taking vacation time, whatever it is - then at least I can be transparent with the candidate and we’re not both sitting in the dark.” – Stefanie Campos

Contact Brunel's Life Sciences Team

Interested in learning more about how Brunel’s expert team of medical device recruiters can help your company find talent?


Brunel’s Life Sciences team specializes in finding Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices, and Food/Beverage Production talent for Quality, Regulatory, R&D, Engineering, and other roles.


Connect with Stefanie Campos to learn more about our services.

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