China, Shanghai
Parttime: 0 hrs a week
Experience: 2 years
Closing: 03 April 2025


What are you going to do 

1. 通过各种渠道搜集国外客户信息,挖掘客户需求,拓展客户渠道; 2.与客户交流沟通,处理邮件、来华接待、核算报价、成交订单,积极开拓海外市场; 3. 独立完成与客户的沟通谈判、询盘处理、订单各环节的操作衔接沟通; 4.熟悉外贸相关操作流程。

Essential skills and knowledge 

1.本科及以上学历,英语、国际贸易、俄语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语或相关专业; 2.一年以上外贸相关领域工作经验,优秀应届毕业生也可; 3.具备流畅的所学语种听说读写能力,能与客户进行商务谈判。

What we offer 


Application process

First Contact

We carefully review your application and in the coming weeks, you will be notified for an interview session if you are selected. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted within 7 days. 

Scheduling an Interview

After being shortlisted, you will be contacted via email or telephone to arrange for a date on your availability for the qualification interview. 

Phone/ Qualification Interview

During the interview, you will be assessed on your level of experience and skills, work history, availability, and the qualifications the company is seeking for the position.

Meeting in Real Life

After successfully making through the phone interview, a face to face interview will be scheduled between the candidate and recruiter. This session can be a more in-depth  interview to review your communication and interpersonal skills.

Application for the Position

Submission of candidates resume for client’s approval and screening.

Do you have questions?


Aoki Zhang