Connecting Specialists to Pioneering Projects

We bring together specialists with revolutionary projects


Matching the right people to the right jobs is what motivates us. For us, Connecting Specialists to Pioneering Projects means building bridges to successful careers, unlocking the door to dream projects, being an engine of innovative technological development.


Our potent global network of highly qualified specialists supports the realisation of ground-breaking projects in engineering and IT.


Around the globe, more than 12,000 Brunel specialists at over 120 offices in 40 countries consistently deliver top-class project solutions in the form of temporary employment, work contracts and service contracts – on site with the client or in-house at Brunel. 

Exciting jobs at Brunel

Junior Elektroingenieur Hochfrequenztechnik (w/m/d)

Location: Wuppertal

Branche: Machine & Plant Design

Expertise: Research & Development

Experience: 1 years

Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung und Auslegung von Hochfrequenzverstärkern (50 MHz bis 3 GHz) und passiven Systemen wie Splittern und Combinern Anwendung von Finite-Elemente-Simulationen zur Auslegung und Optimierung von HF-Komponenten Durchführung von Labor- und Feldtests der entwickelten Komponenten Mitwirkung bei der Erstellung von Spezifikationen und Dokumentationen für kundenspezifische Lösungen

Vertriebsmitarbeiter (w/m/d)

Location: Wuppertal

Branche: Machine & Plant Design

Expertise: Marketing & Sales

Experience: 1 years

Akquise von Serviceaufträgen Mitwirkung an technischen Angebotsprojektierung Auftragsverhandlung mit Kunden Erstellen von Kalkulationen und Angeboten, sowie von vertriebsrelevanten Dokumenten inkl. Dokumentenmanagement Mitarbeit bei der Standardisierung von Angeboten und Vertriebsprozessen Mitwirkung bei Produktentwicklung und Kundenberatung Datenpflege im CRM-System

System Engineer (w/m/d)

Location: Wuppertal

Branche: BMB2007

Expertise: Research & Development

Experience: 2 years

- Koordinierung der Entwicklung des Systemkonzepts im Rahmen von Projekten mit anderen Kompetenzbereichen (SW, HW, ME) - Übernahme der Verantwortung für wichtige Arbeitsprodukte der Sicherheitsarchitektur sowie Technische Beratung und Aufsicht in Projekten zur Erhebung von Kundenanforderungen, zur Entwicklung von Systemanforderungen und Systemarchitekturen gemäß AS&UX-Standards - Bereitstellung von technischer Unterstützung und Koordinierung der technischen Aspekte der Projektentwicklung in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den am Projekt beteiligten Fachbereichen - Vertretung des Projekts vor dem Kunden bei technischen Diskussionen - Leitung und Betreuung von Aktivitäten zur Lösung technischer Probleme

Servicetechniker (w/m/d)

Location: Wuppertal

Branche: Machine & Plant Design

Expertise: Production & Manufacturing

Experience: 2 years

Elektrische Montage und Inbetriebnahme von Neuanlagen Fehlersuche in SPS-Steuerungen Programmanpassungen Fehlersuche und -behebung bei Bestandsanlagen Wartungsarbeiten Dokumentationsarbeiten

Need support for your projects? Looking for the right people?

Connect with Brunel: Job done!

  • Our 2,800 engineers, technicians, IT specialists and managers can complement and support your teams with industry-specific expertise for projects across a broad range of sectors
  • Temporary employment, service contracts and work contracts can be arranged
  • More than 400 sales and recruiting experts in Germany will give you with detailed advice on our service portfolio – and provide support throughout your project

Our responsibility

As a company with a global reach, we take our social responsibility very seriously. We have developed an environmental social governance (ESG) strategy that commits us to sustainable action to help protect and conserve the environment and enable a better future for the generations to come. All these activities are backed and implemented by our global network of over 12,000 specialists in more than 40 countries.

Go here to learn more about our ESG commitment 

Brunel Foundation Forest

The Brunel Foundation Forest is one way in which we actively contribute to protecting and conserving the environment. Together with every single employee at Brunel, we fight climate change by ensuring that every individual minimizes their ecological footprint and plays an active role in cleaning up the environment. What began with the planting of 1,000 trees in Thailand in July 2021 has, thanks to collaboration between the Brunel Foundation and EcoMatcher – a B corporation-certified initiative and UN partner – now grown into a huge forest totaling 15,000 trees worldwide. This number includes one tree for every one of the 12,000 people who work for us. 

Go here to learn more about our sustainable partnership

Our regional activities

We want to play a significant part in ensuring that this generation and the generations to come enjoy positive living conditions. And we are well aware that a corporate sustainability strategy will be effective only if it is understood, lived out and implemented by everyone in the organization. That is why Brunel worldwide is committed to pulling in the same direction. 

Our sustainability concept

Are you looking for suitable specialists for your projects?