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Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Talent Acquisition | HR Support | Project Management | DEI Support

RPO. What is it and why do you need it?

Recruitment Process Outsourcing is a scalable workforce solution where a business transfers all or part of its recruitment to an external provider. An RPO's capabilities go beyond filling openings: it can re-engineer your recruitment process from the ground up. Brunel provides RPO solutions in all of the core disciplines we serve, including Oil and Gas, Mining, Renewables, & Life Sciences.

Ready to leave your hiring in the hands of the pros?

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Recruiting Agency vs RPO. What's the difference?

Though no two solutions are the same, a good RPO solution is strategic. In all cases, RPO providers manage clients’ entire recruitment cycle, operating as an extension of the employer. The focus is on building a strategic recruitment program that attracts, recruits and retains high-quality, full-time, permanent employees. 

Staffing agencies, which operate on a reactive recruitment model, work on a requisition-to-requisition basis. Brunel as an RPO provider assumes the responsibility of recruitment results during the partnership and manages clients’ entire recruitment cycle, operating as a seamless partner.

Types of RPO

Project-Based RPO

A Project-Based RPO is designed to meet a short-term increase in hiring demand. This solution is ideal for companies in ramp-up, expansion or rapid growth mode.

Enterprise RPO

In an Enterprise RPO, Brunel takes full ownership of your recruitment function. This can include design, technology, execution, on-boarding and strategy.

Why use an RPO?

  • Yellow line over diagram of hand holding 3 people
    Faster Hires
    RPOs allow you to bring Brunel's 45+ years of Recruitment expertise inhouse, empowering your team to fill positions in the shortest possible time frame.
  • Yellow line over outline of graded paper with 3 checkmarks and ribbon
    Quality Talent
    RPOs are proven to find better talent, decrease new hire attrition, increase on-job competency and improve business outcomes compared to traditional recruitment.
  • Yellow line over diagram showing flow of money
    Predictable Costs
    An RPO enables you to forecast your recruitment spend with various creative pricing models that adjust to your needs.

Brunel's RPO Solutions

Skill-Based Interviews, Behavioral Interviews, Psychometric Assessments, Aptitude Testing, Reference/Background Checks, and Medical Scheduling all handled by the RPO team on your behalf.

Document Control, Employee Handbooks, Forms and Contracts, HRIS Data Input, Induction Scheduling, and Training/Development planning all taken care of for you!

Dual Accountability Model, Daily Check-in Meetings, Weekly Progress Reports, Applicant Tracking System, KPI Methodology, Quantitative and Qualitative Metrics to let you monitor progress.

Is Diversity, Equality and Inclusion part of your hiring strategy? If not, it should be. Everyone is struggling to find their path and change the status quo. Our tailored focus on DE&I hiring can help you identify your own challenges and adapt to a more inclusive culture.

We're here to help connect you to the talent you need to succeed.

Companies who use an RPO partner are 59% more likely to successfully establish a talent pipeline for their open positions than companies who don't have an RPO.

Map out your talent pipeline and improve the quality of your hires today!

The people in your company define you as an organization. Let us help you find the people who will drive your success. Connect with Jaime Alvarez today and learn how RPO can help you achieve your hiring goals.